India International Satvik & Sanatan Foundation

The India International Satvik & Sanatan Foundation (IIS&SF), is an NGO formed to protect, practice and propagate Bharatiya Traditions, Customs & Cultural Ethos of the longest living Rashtra, based on Dharmic Scriptures, as well as to uphold the interests of People living under the “Chhatr Chhaya” of Bharat Mata.

Join us in making Bharat a Vishwaguru

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Ram Mandir
Ideal/ Self Reliant Village

The aim of this project is to bring positive changes in the village to make it self reliant. This project will boost the economic, social, educational, occupational, mental, physical & psychological status of rural communities.

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Police Mitra

This project endeavours to work for the society by working in tandem with police and other law enforcement agencies while acting as a watchdog on anti-social elements and keep a constant watch on all criminal activities in the vicinity and thus helping in reducing the crime rate.

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Opposing illegal religious practices

Movement against Halal certification which infringes our religious beliefs & fundamental rights under Article 25 of Indian constitution.

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Know your Government

Creating awareness about government’s welfare policies to enable downtrodden and economically weaker sections of the society, to avail the benefits.

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Helping Hands to Farmers

Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO) reinforces the idea of farm-to-table, giving feasibility to consumers by avoiding middle men and upholding the best interest of the farmers.

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Martial Arts

Self Defence for vulnerable adolescent girls, juvenile boys & kids. This program is designed to help the vulnerable adolescent girls and juvenile boys to be self-reliant on practical level to protect themselves from anti-social elements. We believe in inclusive society and are happy to extend this program to adults and senior citizens too.

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Nation 1st – I Love My India

IIS&SF is an Association of like-minded Sanatanis & Dharmic individuals from across the world, particularly from Bharat, with devotion to the ideas of;

  1. Rediscovering & Building Bharat Rashtra
  2. “धर्मो रक्षति रक्षित:” – “The Dharma protects those who protect it”
  3. Lighting the lamp to spread Bharatiya Sanskriti and heritage.

Journey to a New Horizon


IIS&SF has Chapters across the States in India ; and the administrative control on those Chapters – pertaining to Policy & Strategy, lies with the IIS&SF – which acts as an Umbrella Organisation. IIS&SF prescribes the Constitution, By- laws & the Working Manual (periodically issued), for each Chapters , in order to maintain a structured growth, with transparency & accountability – while ensuring independence in their functioning.

Join us in Building Bharath – a Vishwaguru !!!

IIS&SF is a platform engaged in improving the lives of every human being following Dharma and National Interest. Join this journey to lead from the front, to serve the noble endeavour.

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Our Warriors

Bharatiya culture and practices have endured for millenia. History tells us that many warriors fought to shield our Dharma and this fight continues even today. Warriors are not just the armed forces and police, but every one who constructively contributes to the rich social fabric of our Rashtra..

Armed Forces

Indian Armed forces is the world’s largest volunteer Army & 2nd largest in terms of active personnel – 1.4 million in all. They serve as the Backbone of Defensive & Offensive capability in the face of various threats to the nation. Apart from this Bharat is also served by 1 million Paramilitary & 1 million Police personnel. These are the only warriors who have been allowed to practice Kshatriya Dharma, as and when required to defend our Rashtra.


With 48+% of the population women form the core of our nation. It has been long understood by Sanatanis, before any civilization even acknowledged the importance of women as the core of civilization, that without Nari Shakti (feminine power), human life as we know it will cease to exist. Fortunately, our nation’s history has been witness to many strong willed & powerful women who had made their indelible mark in all fields of Human endeavour.

Eminent Personalities

Take any field of life, Bhartiya Civilization has contributed in its own unique way through exceptional individuals; be it in the fields of Art & Music, Science & Maths, Social & Politico-Legal works, Philosophy & Metaphysics, Religious & Spiritual Treatises, Medicine & Sports, Environmental & Industrial works, Martial Art & Peacekeeping works.

Know Your Tribes

With over 700 Schedule Tribes listed & 8.6% share of population as per 2011 census, India is home to a huge Tribal population. that has enormous wealth of traditional wisdom & local environment know-how, which has outlived many modern standards & concepts many times over. What better time to work in utilising Tribal wisdom and mainstream them, than the present time when a Tribal Woman Leader emerged victorious as President of our country and is anointed as Supreme Commander of World’s Largest Volunteer Army.

Clarion call

An Awakening Call To All Nationalists Loyal To “Vande Mataram” Please Be An Addition To 0ur Endeavor To Cleanse This Great Nation Of Aliens’ Influences, Incompatible To Our Religious Beliefs, Traditions & Culture.

Jatinder Paul Singh


यदा यदा ही धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत I अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानम सृज्याहम II
The time has come when the country needs you the most. My appeal to all Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists to unite for upholding the dignity of Bharat Varsha and Sanatan Dharma.

Devanjan Bose


adrohaḥ sarvabhūteṣu karmaṇā manasā girā | anugrahaśca dānaṃ ca stāṃ dharma sanātanaḥ ||

The Eternal Duty (Sanātana Dharma) towards all creatures is the absence of malevolence towards them in thought, deed or word, and to practice compassion and charity towards them. (MB Vana Parva 297;35)

Dr Ashwini Sood

Vice President







