Ideal Village

Ideal Village – Self-Reliant Village (आदर्शग्राम – ‎आत्मनिर्भरग्राम)
This project once initiated and implemented will be the most unique village in the entire country.

  • The First 100% Organic Village.
  • The First ZERO Carbon Footprint Village in India.
  • This will be a classic example in the entire country and for all Parliamentarians to follow the same exercises and action plans in order to replicate in their constituencies.

This project shall be governed by 5 Core Team Members and 21 Governing Body experts. Initially, we are identifying 2 villages. We will then do a house-to-house door-to-door intensive survey on the education, economic, health, and sanitation status of each individual. We will do a comprehensive video recording of the villages. We will get both the records authenticated by some Govt. Official. After 6 months 1/2/3 years, we will do a review of our progress.

Here are the parameters which we will extensively work on to drastically improve the economic, social, educational, occupational, mental, physical, and psychological status of each and every individual in the village.

  • Education for All – Education for all Children, Adult Males, and Females, Senior Citizens.
    • Smart Classes by Expert Teachers from remote locations.
    • Vocational Training for children – that will generate income for them and will act as an added interest for children and their parents to attend classes regularly.
    • Cleanliness and Hygiene classes for females and children.
    • Health awareness classes for all by GNMs.?? – Full form needed
    • Manners and etiquette classes for all.
    • Dress Sense classes for children and adult females. – Might want to avoid this. Thoughts??
    • Monitoring Classes for Senior Citizens.
    • Sports and other activities including Yoga.
    • Talent Search. Special/Extra Classes for talented students.
    • Resources and Infrastructure – Existing Government School. Building or Community Centre, Existing chairs and tables. Renovation if required.
  • Dairy Farming takes one female from every family. A Co-operative Society will be  formed comprising all females. If we have 100 families in the village, we will provide/donate 1 cow to each family and all these 100 cows will be kept together under I big cow shed. Market Linkage: The output of milk will be sold to local Milk Cooperatives or Big Retailers in the city. 80% of the income so generated will be equally distributed/ transferred to the respective female’s Bank account. The remaining 20% will be kept as a reserve fund for medical emergencies or any other exigency.
  • Cleanliness and Hygiene:
    • Create Cement Concrete Streets under Pradhan Mantri Sadak Yojana.
    • Plant Trees alongside all streets.
    • No open Soak-pit, or sewage line.
    • Every House will have Garbage pits and all will be vigorously taught to use these garbage pits only. No garbage will be thrown on the streets. Every garbage pit will be cleaned in the morning and all the garbage will be collected and dumped at one place outside the village. This garbage will be then treated for renewable energy and manure.
    • STOP 100% Open Direct Defecation by creating toilets in each house. Vigorously educate them to use in-house toilets. Social Monitoring by all elders.
  • Housing for all
    • We will provide Pucca houses to each family of the village under PMAY. – might have to avoid citing this before we get approval for such a tie up with PMAY scheme administrators ??
    • In-house Toilets will be invariably built.
  • Primary Health Centre inside the village
    ✓ We are going to create a Primary Health Centre inside the village.
    ✓We will provide an RMP doctor there.
    ✓ We will request and engage one specialist doctor from the city to visit the village every day as a part of their CSR. So will need 30 doctors for a month i.e. one specialist doctor each day.
    ✓ We will also engage specialist doctors under the TELEMEDICINE scheme.
  • Renewable Energy / Solar Energy / Manure
    ✓ Gobar Gas plant will be created in the village.
    ✓ Cow Dung (Gobar) from 100 cows will be treated for yielding Gobar Gas.
    ✓ Solar Panels will be fixed above each house Under SPIN Ministry of New and Renewable Energy –
    ✓ From Gobar gas and Solar we will get adequate energy to illuminate each and every house and street light. This will help the entire village to be self-reliant (Atma Nirbhar) in terms of energy.
    ✓ This will be the FIRST 100% Organic Village among all the villages adopted by 545 Parliamentarians.
    ✓ We will get more than sufficient MANURE (KHAD) from cow-dung from the 100 Cows. The manure (KHAD) will be used for cultivation/farming in the village and the excess manure will be sold to adjoining villages.
  • ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT – A big drive in Afforestation
    ✓ We will plant NEEM & fruiting trees for improving ecology of areas, like Jamun and other local trees encircling the entire village.
    ✓ We will plant other fruit and flower, medicinal value plants / trees in vacant places/on each side of the village roads.
    ✓ This will enable us to create 3 times more oxygen than the carbon dioxide exhaled by the people of the village. – can we make this language generic instead of specific like avoiding “3 times” usage??
    ✓ We will achieve Carbon Credit and this will be the FIRST VILLAGE IN INDIA WITH ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT.
    • We will provide clean drinking water to all the villagers under the WHIN scheme (Water Health India).
  • Water Harvesting Training
    ✓ We will provide water harvesting training and this will enable us to increase groundwater level.
  • Skill Development Training Programme for all Landless Labourers and Market Linkage
    ✓ We will form a Co-operative Society comprising all adult Landless Labourers of the Village.
    ✓ We will identify manufacturing units in adjoining Industrial Estates that purchase raw materials and/or small spare parts from open markets.
    ✓ We will execute a contract agreement with those Companies to purchase those raw materials/spare parts from the Village Cooperative Society.
    ✓ We will impart Skill Development Training to the landless Labourers and the skill will be the same by which they would manufacture the raw materials/spare parts.
    ✓ This will generate adequate income for those landless Labourers. 80% of the income to be equally distributed among them and 20% will be kept as an emergency. – this part which also came earlier may sound like we are creating cooperative banking services. If that is the case then we should specify that. Also an idea – if this can be tied up to insurance schemes of any kind, it might have more selling value for the concept, as the idea is to use the fund for emergencies. Thought ??
  • Weekly Gathering – Discussion Forum – Brain Storming
  • Monthly Fine Arts Competition Can add sporting activities I guess
  • Engage ICAR Research scientists for Imparting Advanced Farming techniques.